Michael Wazeka

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Mr. Wazeka is a graduate of Glassboro State College (currently Rowan University) with a Bachelor of Arts degree, certified K-12 in music education. Mr. Wazeka has been a music educator since 1994. He began his career in the South River School district teaching 4th and 5th grade band. In 1996, general music and chorus were added to his duties. In 1999, Mr. Wazeka became the music director at South River High School in charge of band and chorus. Mr. Wazeka joined the Hazlet staff in 2006 as the instrumental music teacher at Raritan High School. in 2010, chorus, music theory, and history of rock were added. Mr. Wazeka is currenty the 5th and 6th grade band teacher at both Beers Street and Cove Road Schools as well as the 4th grade band teacher at Lillian Drive School.