Jennie Mullin

Jennie Mullin, a woman with wavy dark hair, smiles at the camera

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! 

Jennie Mullin
First Grade Teacher
Room #11


Phone: 732-787-2332

Welcome to My Website!

a bitmoji of Ms. Mullin peering around a classroom door with a welcome banner overhead

Hello friends. My name is Ms. Mullin. I grew up in Staten Island, New York, but have lived in New Jersey for over 34 years.  I attended Georgian Court College where I received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education. I began my teaching career here at Lillian Drive Elementary School, as a first-grade teacher. I am beyond excited to be back to where my teaching career began. What an amazing adventure we get to embark on together. This year your child will be learning, discovering, finding, seeking, growing, and gaining a wealth of knowledge! Our adventures will lead us to become superhero readers and math wizards. The best part is, our adventures will encourage good choices, respect, and kindness for all!

My daily adventures always involve my two children, Jovanna and Christopher. Two of my past adventures were teaching Kindergarten and Basic Skills. Educating young children is a monumental adventure filled with laughter, fun, new experiences, and memories that last a lifetime. There is nothing that makes me happier than teaching your child!

a graphic that says "My favorite things!"

Color: Purple

Food: Homemade Pizza (YUM!)

Drink: Coffee, coffee, and more coffee! 

Snack: Chocolate

Movie: Inside Out

Book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Place: Beach

Hobby: Kickboxing