District Policies

School Board Policies

Policy: it is a crucial school board role in our system of education governance. Like Congress, state legislatures, and city or county councils, school boards establish the direction and structure of their school districts by adopting policies through the authority granted by state legislatures. School board policies have the force of law equal to statutes or ordinances. Policies establish directions for the district; they set the goals, assign authority, and establish controls that make school governance and management possible. Policies are the means by which educators are accountable to the public.

The Board of Education set District policies upon recommendation from the Superintendent. Many policies have a set of procedures, which are approved by the Superintendent. Each policy and procedure is thoroughly reviewed by the appropriate staff before making any recommendations to the Superintendent or School Board.

For further information, please contact the Superintendent's Office.


Many of the District's policies have been posted on-line and can be accessed by clicking on the District Policies Link on the right side of the page.