Health Policies from School Physician

HEALTH POLICIES from Dr. Jain, School Doctor:

1.    Head Lice - student excluded from school until treatment is given and the child is nit free.

2.    Ringworm - student excluded from school and must have a doctor's note to return.

3.    Impetigo - student excluded for 24 hours and must have a doctor's note to return.

4.    Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) - Student excluded from school and must have four doses of

medication, and a doctor's note to return.

5.   Strep Throat - Student excluded from school, must have had 2 doses of antibiotic, and be fever free before returning to school.

6.    ChickenPox - Student excluded for approximately 7 days or until vesicles are crusted over.

7.    Rashes - Student excluded from school until diagnosis is made by a doctor, and treatment is started if needed.

8.    Fever - Student should be fever free (under 100oF) for 24 hours before returning to school.

9.     Vomiting - Student should not have vomited in the 24 hours before returning to school.