Weight Room Information

WEIGHT ROOM: Procedural Information:

As in the past the Weight Room is open daily to any individual student after school between the hours of 2:30 -3:30 pm supervised by our weight room coach.  The weight room coaches for the Winter are Mr. Matt Dempsey, Mr. Jerry Dean and Mr. Chris Berg. In addition, if any team or organization would like to utilize the facility please contact the weight room coaches or the Athletic Office.  Approved coaches may supervise their teams for conditioning in the weight room throughout the school year and summer.


Weight Room Rules

The following rules need to be followed by any students utilizing the Raritan High School Weight Room.



1. All students must be properly dressed. No Jeans. No Earrings. Sneakers Only


2. All students must behave and follow the rules and procedures in the RHS Student Handbook

    Failure to follow any rule or procedure will result in removal from the weight room.
    No Horseplay permitted.


3.Music may be played, but no profanity or inappropriate songs allowed.

   Failure to follow this rule will result in a Coach chosen station.  


4. All weights must be returned at the end of the session.

    Bars Stripped and Dumbbells returned.


5. All bags must be locked in the locker room.

    Students must provide their own lock.  RHS is not responsible for any belongings not properly locked in a locker.